A brain tumor is an abnormal mass of cells growing inside the brain.

This is a growth of abnormal cells or the uncontrolled growth of normal cells in the brain. Primary brain tumors involve a growth that starts in the brain, rather than spreading to the brain from another part of the body ( i.e. secondary brain tumor).

Brain tumors may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). They may destroy or damage brain cells by producing inflammation and pressing on other parts of the brain. This pressure causes cerebral edema (brain swelling) and increased intracranial pressure (the pressure within the skull).

In majority of cases the exact cause of primary brain tumors is unknown, although some tumors tend to be hereditary while others may be present from birth.


The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown. Primary brain tumors may be:

  • Not cancerous (benign)
  • Invasive (spread to nearby areas)
  • Cancerous (malignant)

Brain tumors are classified based on:

  • The exact site of the tumor
  • The type of tissue involved
  • Whether it is cancerous

Brain tumors can directly destroy brain cells. They can also indirectly damage cells by pushing on other parts of the brain. This leads to swelling and increased pressure inside the skull.
Tumors can occur at any age. Many tumors are more common at a certain age. In general, brain tumors in children are rare.

Common Tumor types

Astrocytomas are usually noncancerous, slow-growing tumors. They commonly develop in children ages 5 to 8. Also called low-grade gliomas, these are the most common brain tumors in children.

Medulloblastomas are the most common type of childhood brain cancer. Most medulloblastomas occur before age 10.

Ependymomas are a type of childhood brain tumor that can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The location and type of ependymoma determine the type of therapy needed to control the tumor.

Brainstem gliomas are very rare tumors that occur almost only in children. The average age at which they develop is about 6. The tumor may grow very large before causing symptoms.


Symptoms may be subtle and only gradually become worse, or they may occur very quickly.
Headaches are often the most common symptom. But only very rarely do children with headaches have a tumor. Headache patterns that may occur with brain tumors include:

  • Headaches that are worse when waking up in the morning and get better within a few hours
  • Headaches that get worse with coughing or exercise, or with a change in body position
  • Headaches that occur while sleeping and with at least one other symptom such as vomiting or confusion
  • Excessive crying, refusal to feed, head banging in babies

Sometimes, the only symptoms of brain tumors are mental changes, which may include:

  • Changes in personality and behavior
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Increased sleep
  • Memory loss
  • Problems with reasoning

Other possible symptoms are:

  • Gradual loss of movement or feeling in an arm or leg
  • Hearing loss with or without dizziness
  • Speech difficulty
  • Unexpected vision problem (especially if it occurs with a headache), including vision loss (usually of peripheral vision) in one or both eyes, or double vision
  • Problems with balance
  • Weakness or numbness


Treatment depends on the size and type of tumor and the child’s general health. The goals of treatment may be to cure the tumor, relieve symptoms, and improve brain function or the child’s comfort.
Surgery is needed for most primary brain tumors. Some tumors may be completely removed. In cases where the tumor cannot be removed, surgery may help reduce pressure and relieve symptoms. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be used for certain tumors.

The following are treatments for specific types of tumors:

  1. Astrocytoma: Surgery to remove the tumor is the main treatment. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also be necessary.
  2. Brainstem gliomas: Surgery is usually not possible in most cases because of the tumor’s location deep in the brain. Radiation may be used to shrink the tumor and prolong life.
  3. Ependymomas: Treatment includes surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy may be necessary.
  4. Medulloblastomas: Surgery alone does not cure this type of tumor. Chemotherapy and radiation is often used in combination with surgery.

Medicines used to treat primary brain tumors in children include:

  • Corticosteroids to reduce brain swelling
  • Diuretics (water pills) to reduce brain swelling and pressure
  • Anticonvulsants to reduce or prevent seizures
  • Pain medicines

Treatment depends on the size and type of tumor and the child’s general health. The goals of treatment may be to cure the tumor, relieve symptoms, and improve brain function or the child’s comfort.
Surgery is needed for most primary brain tumors. Some tumors may be completely removed. In cases where the tumor cannot be removed, surgery may help reduce pressure and relieve symptoms. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be used for certain tumors.